Central Route Run of the Wall
Wednesday May 24 at 11:30am RFTW_2023_Flyer
Wednesday May 24 at 11:30am RFTW_2023_Flyer
Wednesday, 24 May 2023 at 11:30 POC is J.B. Reynolds at (859) 687-5014 Open to the public
Open to the public! For additional information please contact Kelly Sheehan and "Hoss" Cartwright at 859-619-8158.
Rolling Thunder Chapter 5 POW/MIA Recognition Day Candle-Light Vigil 15 Sep 2023 from 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm POC: Rebecca Campbell @ 859-940-2790 Open to the public
Join the Rolling Thunder KY Chapter 5 at the Memorial on November 11 at 10:00AM Recognizing all those who have served Open to the Public!
Join the Members of the Kentucky Vietnam Veterans Memorial information on the meaning, reverence, and design of the Memorial. Open to the public!
The VFW Post 4075 Auxiliary (POC Edna Taylor) will be hosting an event on March 29th at 1:00PM Governor Beshear will be the guest speaker and Mallory Hudson Miss Kentucky […]